Misc. Fee Schedule
Connection Fee
(Charged to establish service and activate at meter.)
Reconnect Fee Monthly Billing
(Trip is made for the purpose of disconnecting service for nonpayment or to reconnect
a service that has been disconnected for nonpayment during normal working hours of 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. on an EPB scheduled work day.)
Reconnect Fee SmartPay Billing
Charged to Customers that have been disconnected for nonpayment through the prepaid billing system.
After-Hours Fee
(Fee to have service reconnected after 4:00 p.m. or before 7:30 a.m. of an EPB scheduled work day or on a weekend or holiday observed by the EPB, fee must be paid to service man at time of reconnect.)
Disconnect Fee
(Charged if service is disconnected due to nonpayment and customer leaves the EPB service area without having service reconnected.)
Other Collection Fees
(Any cost incurred by the EPB to collect an unpaid balance, including attorney fees, collection agency fees, court cost, filing fees, etc.)
Returned Check Charge
(Any payment, including electronic payment, accepted by the EPB for a customer’s account is returned by the a financial institution for any reason.)
Inaccessible Meter Fee
(A charge to make a return trip to read a customer’s meter when the meter was not safely accessible to the meter reader during routine meter reading.)
Meter Re-read Fee
(A charge to re-read a meter at customer’s request. If original read was found to be incorrect, the charge will be waived.)
Meter Accuracy Test Fee (Single Phase/Three-Phase)
(If meter is accurate, customer requesting to have the meter checked for accuracy will be charged. If meter is inaccurate by a margin greater than ± 2%, the fee will be waived.)
Temporary Service Fee (construction)
(To connect a single-phase temporary service to be used for the purpose of construction or remodeling a structure. Additional cost to extend primary line or install other equipment, if necessary, is not included.)
Temporary Service Fee (three phase)
(Customer requesting three phase temporary service may be charged 100% of the cost to install and remove all facilities required for the service.)
Transfer Fee
(Customer moving from one location to another.)
Security Light Reconnection Fee
(To reconnect a security light that has been disconnected for any reason – approved by the Board June 11, 2009.)
Security Light Set Fee (existing pole)
(To connect a new security light to an existing pole.)
Security Light Set Fee (new pole set)
Residential $175.00 Commercial $COST
(To set a new pole and security light with the addition of a monthly pole rental at applicable rate.)
Approved by the Board 04/13/ 2017
Tamper Fee
Charged if customer has tampered with meter, meter base, or meter seal in a mannaer that is disruptive to service, damaging to equipment or fraudulent.
Engineering Staking Fee
To stake or engineer a new construction or a change in service. The fee will be deducated from project invoice at the completion of the project.